How Cloud Can Be an Essential Element of Digital Transformation

How Cloud Can Be an Essential Element of Digital Transformation?

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The digital transformation market size is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 19.1%, from $521.5 billion in 2021 to $127.5 billion in 2026.Markets and Markets

Traditional industries are being swiftly disrupted by newer ones that use advanced technologies and fresh approaches to business. Most businesses that embark on digital transformations fail because they expect old IT infrastructure to handle considerable growth in digital demand. The most successful businesses are those that abandon in-house servers in favour of cloud-based ones. Of all businesses, just 30% make it through a digital transformation without any major setbacks. A reliable IT infrastructure is crucial for providing highly available, flexible, and scalable applications and services.  

According to a KPMG survey of 1,300 CEOs conducted in 2018, 71% are prepared to steer a significant change within their company.  

Everything from telecommuting and online education to remote food preparation and monetary transactions relies on cloud computing. New innovations including containerization, Desktop as a Service (DaaS), and edge computing have pushed the public cloud services industry from $270 billion in 2020 to $332.3 billion in 2021. Cloud computing is a potent tool for speeding up organizational transformation initiatives. That way, businesses, and cloud providers may work together to create innovative, user-friendly, and flexible digital solutions. 

No matter where you are in your digital transformation journey, a cloud-first approach can greatly increase your chances of success.  

This post will explain all you need to know to get started. Our strategy is geared toward creating tomorrow’s companies that integrate technological and human resources across their operations. 

What is Digital Transformation? 

By 2027, more than 50% of enterprises will use industry cloud platforms to accelerate their business initiatives. 

“Digital transformation is “the process of reorienting an organization to focus on value creation through the widespread and persistent application of digital technologies.”

The term “digital transformation,” or “DX,” refers to the practice of implementing significant changes in your business model through the strategic application of digital technologies. The point is not to just convert a manual procedure into an automated one, but rather to revolutionize the way your company leverages information technology, human capital, and operational procedures to achieve its goals. To grow and adapt, your company must undergo a digital transition. 

The term “digital transformation refers to the practice of implementing technological solutions to fundamentally alter an organization’s functioning. To achieve their company’s objectives, businesses must implement new digital capabilities in a comprehensive manner. 

Why is Digital Transformation Necessary? 

Technology is now at the centre of most business strategies owing to digital transformation. It has the potential to lessen operational costs and boost productivity. Your company’s future success may depend on it. Future goals can be more easily accomplished with a standardized framework that applies to both business and technology. Now more than ever, the future of your business hinges on the technological direction you take. Having a firm grasp of digital abilities is crucial for long-term success. 

Organizational goals and objectives must be defined before a digital transformation can be implemented successfully. The three most important corporate goals, according to a global survey of 414 CIOs, are: boosting operational efficiency; transforming processes; and improving customer experience. Organizations can continue to reap the benefits of the cloud as they adopt digital technologies that help them breakthrough performance stagnates and realize their full potential. 

Benefits of Cloud in Digital Transformation:

  1. Flexibility

To properly implement a digital transformation strategy, a corporation must pivot its business process several times. Cloud computing relieves a company of the burden of investing in a variety of IT resources by delivering on-demand computing resources, infrastructure, and platforms. This enables an organization to be dynamic and adaptable. 

  1. Cost-Effective

The cloud provides a scalable service model where an organization only pays for the resources that are actually used, in addition to the adaptability to change requirements as needed. Therefore, not only does it reduce the cost of acquiring and maintaining IT infrastructure, but it also enables businesses to more easily scale their resources as needed. 

  1. Security

If your database is kept in-house, you run the danger of losing important data due to data breaches, sudden system shutdown, disasters, brute force attacks, and other similar occurrences. When using cloud storage, it’s simple to make numerous copies of your data just in case. Because system failures are more likely to occur in the context of big data analysis, this is especially helpful when working with large amounts of data. 

  1. Rapid Prototyping

Businesses that want to succeed in the digital age must constantly create, test, implement, and iterate. Using the cloud, businesses can avoid the hassle of setting up complicated infrastructure for application development, testing, and deployment. So, a business can try out new apps on various systems all through the transformation phase. 

  1. Better Collaboration

A corporation must adapt to a culture of invention and creativity and abandon the old hierarchical chain of command in order to undergo digital transformation. Cloud computing enables files to be accessible from any location and at any time. It is also possible to control the user’s level of authority, ensuring optimal delegation. Overall, it contributes to the company’s culture of collaboration and teamwork.  

All of these advantages indicate unequivocally that if your company is considering a digital transformation, the cloud is a natural and best choice. If you are considering a cloud migration or need an IT solution professional, we can be your go-to partner. 

The Driving Force Behind Digital Transformation

The advent of new, potentially disruptive forms of competition has been a major factor in the widespread adoption of digital transformation across many industries. Industries such as banking, finance, and transportation are undergoing radical changes because of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” compelling businesses to re-evaluate their approaches and embrace digital technologies. Organizations can benefit from this trying time if they understand the factors underlying digital transformation and the function of enterprise architectural best practices. Opportunities for widespread innovation are being made possible by the convergence of burgeoning economies, developing technologies, and widespread computer knowledge.

Clouds importance to digital transformation

Role of the Cloud in Digital Transformation

The term “digital transformation” refers to the process of implementing digital technologies across an organization to replace obsolete procedures and modes of communication with customers. 70% of businesses had a digital transformation strategy in place, accounting for 40% of technology spending, while the COVID-19 epidemic expedited this move. Incorporating digital tools, apps, and storage is only the beginning of the digital transformation. For distant workers, massive projects, and data security, cloud integration, and digital transformation services are essential. The cloud is the driving force behind digital transformation, which is hastening the adoption of digital practices in the business world. 

Cloud-Based Digital Revolution

Companies and customers alike need a stable, easily accessible platform to take advantage of the new channels made possible by cloud digital transformation, including access to data, programs, and communication. 

Numerous crucial aspects of cloud computing and digital transformation, such as apps, IoT devices, machine learning, big data analytics, and augmented reality, require voluminous amounts of computational capacity. There is also a need for robust processing power and the safety of readily available IT for these components. 

With cloud digital transformation services, you can do all these things without having to spend money on or maintain any on-premises servers or infrastructure. Therefore, even a small company may compete with the server power of a large one by using cloud digital transformation services. 

To this end, the cloud facilitates the cloud digital transformation essential for privately held small firms and public institutions to stay up with the digital era. 

Cloud Computing and Digital Transformation 

With cloud computing, digital transformation has been transformed by moving data from physical hubs to internet-based server networks, which in turn enables virtual upkeep, analytics, administration, and processing. Because of this, businesses may increase their digital products without having to invest in pricey, high-powered servers and networks. The cloud has revolutionized data management and the user experience while lowering the cost of maintaining and upgrading infrastructure. This opens opportunities for worldwide collaboration across firms, as well as channel optimization and unique client engagements. When it comes to digital marketing, e-commerce, customer relationship management, and consumer interaction, cloud computing inspires firms to rethink their strategies. 

How to Drive a Digital Transformation? 

A successful transformation is one that is gradual, economical, and long-lasting. This implies putting an emphasis on results, such as new products, enhanced processes, and other use cases that, taken individually, allow you to construct capabilities, business value, and buy-in for the change. 

In its essence, digital transformation is an enterprise-wide effort to alter both the culture and structure of a business.

Migrating to the cloud is essential for meeting technological objectives and running an efficient digital ecosystem. By facilitating remote work, data protection, and an enhanced customer experience, cloud-first strategies assure business continuity even during a crisis. The adaptability and malleability of cloud infrastructure also boost team efficiency and productivity. With a cloud-first mentality, businesses can easily meet current and future expectations without breaking the bank. 

The cloud also contributes to enhancing CX. With the cloud, you can easily access and update your company’s data in real-time, giving you a deeper understanding of your customer base and enabling you to better tailor your services to everyone. 

Customers, teams, and workplace productivity all benefit from cloud infrastructure upgrades. The cloud, in contrast to traditional systems, is adaptable and can be tailored to each user’s specific workflow, giving them more freedom to approach their work in creative and novel ways. 

Why should you make the Switch to Cloud Storage? 

Why should you make the switch to cloud storage

When starting a digital transition, the cloud must be the starting point. In addition to the monetary rewards, digital transformation cloud platforms give a solid foundation upon which enterprises may rebuild their service offerings, databases, and more.

  • Adaptability 

Cloud object storage supports a wide variety of file formats, making it possible to store all kinds of important data in one central location. After migrating to the cloud, all of an organization’s applications will have access to media including videos, photos, and more. 

  • Minor Disruption

When a company starts its digital transformation in the cloud, the outages and slowdowns experienced by the backend and the customers are kept to a minimum by the cloud’s resources. This lessens the amount of time that must be spent waiting. 

  • Improved Safety

During and after a digital transformation to the cloud, data stored in the cloud is protected in a way that on-premises data cannot be. 

  • Efficiency 

With cloud computing, businesses with several locations may make changes and have them reflected instantly throughout all their offices. IT professionals can troubleshoot issues without having to travel between sites. 

How to Smoothly Transition to the Cloud?

To begin a transition to the cloud, the company needs to identify the answers to several questions. 

  1. If you have a set of predetermined company goals and outcomes in mind, what investments should you make to achieve those ends? 
  2. What really is driving your cloud migration? Is it to save money for the business? Or to boost productivity? Is it for innovation or security? 
  3. How will you measure success? 
  4. Do you have a qualified team of people in-house to manage the transition? 

The economic and operational costs of bad decisions can be staggering. The key to avoiding expensive mistakes is having a thorough understanding of the complexity of both the new and existing settings, as well as a precise plan for the migration. 

The recent rapid adoption of digitally oriented tactics has been tremendously exciting and has opened countless doors for academics and professionals in every field. With so many options available, though, how should one proceed?  

Define your Objective 

Since no two businesses are the same, your Digital Strategy’s goals and objectives should be tailor-made to your company’s specific needs. Your objective is an excellent way to start and will give direction to your transformation, whether it’s integrating your sales and marketing teams to improve the customer experience or using Tableau analytics to gain more information. 

Leap into the Realm of the Cloud 

The days of using hard disks to archive and restore data are over. Businesses and individuals alike are increasingly using cloud computing services for archiving data and gaining access to software. Cloud-based storage was developed to address the issues of delays, insecurity, and inefficiency that can arise when storing data remotely. 

In 2017, 74% of Tech CFOs claimed that cloud computing had the most measurable impact on their firm, proving that it is the best approach to managing data in today’s automated world and effectively competing in the marketplace. The cloud may reduce your burden and expenses, make it easier to work together, and even make your data safer. 

Formulation of a Winning Strategy 

Accessing corporate data via the cloud is only part of what cloud computing entails. In order to aid in performance testing and migration, a company should keep up with a cost-effective information management system. An effective cloud strategy from the right cloud provider can help a business take advantage of the various benefits that cloud computing now offers. 

Choose the best Cloud Strategy for your Business, whether it’s a Single-Cloud or Multi-Cloud

Most businesses are now using at least one major public cloud IaaS or PaaS provider in their day-to-day operations. Many businesses will soon be looking to add a second cloud service to cover a wider range of workloads. Flexibility is increased by multi-cloud options, but so are complexity and cost.  

Define a plan for cloud workload placement to control costs and simplify the management of many cloud environments. Pick one primary, preferred provider and add others in a methodical, business-needs-driven approach when the primary provider is unable to meet your demands. Create a method for allocating cloud workloads that ensures they are being handled by the most suitable cloud service provider. 

Create a Robust Framework for your Applications 

Given the prevalence of cyber-attacks, particularly ransomware, and the persistent interruptions they cause to businesses, the spotlight on IT resilience is only going to get stronger. An organization’s resilience can be a selling point. If your company can keep operating normally while its competitors have interruptions, it is because of the quality of your IT services.  

By the year 2025, Gartner expects to see at least 30% of businesses create new roles dedicated to IT resilience and a minimum 45% increase in end-to-end reliability, tolerability, and recoverability. Resilient application architectures, rather than service continuity, should be the primary concern in today’s information technology. 

Emphasize in-house Public Cloud Training to fill the Skills gap 

More than half of organizations are either hiring new staff or re-training existing staff to better optimize their cloud spend. -Forrester, 2022 Infrastructure Cloud Survey. 

Since the demand for cloud services exceeds the ability of I&O technical staff to acquire new cloud-related skills, it is crucial to prioritize in-house public cloud training to close the skills gap. To optimize recruitment efforts and zero in on the most influential talents, IT departments must train existing staff to manage public cloud workloads. Reaching out to the cloud community, utilizing cloud providers’ training programs, or teaming a professional external cloud architect with an inside worker with good general architectural abilities are all novel ways to address the shortage of cloud-based expertise. 


In today’s volatile business climate, companies need the agility to seize opportunities before their competitors. When used effectively, cloud services can increase the success rate and adaptability of the businesses they support. 

For a successful digital transformation, it’s important to take a methodical, cloud-first approach. Gaining maximum rewards while minimizing losses requires skillfully navigating the complexity of possibilities and selecting the best investment solutions. Companies can’t function without hybrid environments, which makes acquiring service providers to work with a priority.

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